

Documentary photography is exactly that.

It documents. It tells, it breathes and it's truthful.

So many mother's feel the loss of identity, the pressure of expectation; the how and what we 'should' do. I want to capture you exactly as you ARE. Not where you want to be, not where you're aiming for, and not a version of yourself that's no longer authentically 'you.' Because you can have this bottled right where it is.

The camera doesn't hold judgement; my eyes don't hold it either. We are simply here to cheerlead you in all your glory.

We don't need to hide the sick stains, nor the pram, nor the snacks and mucky fingers, nor the tiredness. There is nothing to hide. We come as we are; and this is the art of documentation.

Here lies a rare moment of documenting a beautiful mama in the seconds before she sat with her family. It's rare to get completely standalone portraits of mamas when their hands aren't full - I just got lucky within these short moments. This is something I'm super keen to get more of. It's ignited me to be honest, and given me further clarity in direction. An extra layer of emotivity

It matters, to show your kids who you are, in this moment. The other side of the lens may feel alien when you're always taking the shots, but believe me, it tells a story all of its own.

You deserve to be seen





Winter light + Utter love