Wide awake

Wide awake

Wide awake

with the pressure of expectation

not for materialism

but for carving magic

Because we all know how desolate

magic has felt lately

Tired eyes

not through lack of wanting to sleep

but for all the thoughts that overspill

when they're uninvited

and unwelcome

But they show up anyway

Heavy limbs

because you want to burn steam

but end up somewhat slower with the walls that cocoon

Yet trap you all at the same time


even without trying

To our lives this time last year

and looking up and over

the stone-walls of hope

Waiting for the light to flood in


There's a time to shield

and this feels it

But nobody is shielding you

Because you're the grown up

and you're meant to have the answers

So it's wide awake

for another pre-dawn day

Because that's the only solace

when the house is still

and the creaky boards are only your feet planting

As though they waited for your arrival

Written for all those that need it

Light, and love



The New Year


So let’s talk