

The promise of spring on the horizon, is exactly where it was at, when I captured Faye, Stuart, Harry and Molly. The air still had a lovely bit of crisp about it, and the light was sitting comfortably behind the clouds, giving us plenty of time to not dash around the rain or any high-winds like we had a few weeks prior to this shoot! It was that gorgeous interim between seasons, and what a perfect time to celebrate baby Molly's arrival!

Harry is quite the big brother! So caring and kind, giving Molly kisses, yet still holding onto his toddlerhood in his own entirety with all the (metaphorical) bells and whistles! He was incredible to watch roam the woods and then the garden, with his favourite people, and so utterly loved.

Molly at just a couple of weeks old at the time of the shoot was just adorable! Faye and Stuart showed that newborn shoots can be natural through and through. Combined locations worked brilliantly. It gave Harry time to be himself and Molly time to have her milk and snoozes in between shots. In fact she was so contended, I am surprised we didn't all fall asleep 😂

I know that newborn life means verrrrry little sleep. I have full admiration for Faye and Stuart booking this shoot, to bottle the moments before Molly isn't a newborn anymore! The pace with natural shoots lends itself perfectly for pit-stops of coffee, no time constraints, because let's face it, who wants to clock watch when you've just given birth! It's baby-led, child-led and that keeps everything free-flowing and organic.

Harry and Molly are so, so loved. How lucky am I, to have captured this heartfelt morning.

A huge thankyou to this wonderful family for a beautiful launch back into the real world, in all it’s glory, after a winter of hibernation for so many of us.

Enjoy the mini story-tell…

